Save the Date: Magnified VBS

Save the Date!

Join us for our Kids at the Ridge Summer VBS Camp Program this summer from July 21-25.

We’ll be discovering the bigness of God in the smallest of things. We’ll be encouraging kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify and proclaim the greatness of God.

We hope you’ll join us. Mark your calendars now and save the date!  Registration will open March 15!

WRBC Winter 2025 Connecting Points Brochure

Now available at the Welcome Centre and Online!

Merry Christmas from Kids at the Ridge!

Merry Christmas to our Kids at the Ridge Families!

School is out and Christmas Day is near.  There is so much joy and excitement in the air. It’s easy to get lost in the busyness of Christmas – the extra activities and celebrations, the Christmas baking and decorations too.  I encourage you, if you haven’t already, to take some time out to sit with your family around your Christmas tree and read Luke 2:1-21.  Many of our kids have heard the story multiple times and we even told the story again at our Kids Christmas Program last week! (They did an amazing job!).  But if you take a look at verse 19 where it says “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart”, I wonder if that can help us to pause and reflect on our own as well.  I encourage you to ask your kids what kinds of things Mary might have been thinking about and what part of this story might be on their heart this Christmas too. What are you pondering in the days ahead?

I pray that this Christmas will be filled with meaningful time together with your families as you celebrate the birth of our Savior.

To help you and your kids create meaningful and fun memories together over the Christmas break, I have a new Kids Christmas BINGO sheet available!  This game is filled with activity ideas and service ideas for your child or for your family to complete.


**Every time you complete a row, find a way to celebrate as a family! There are no rules, just have fun! Kids can bring back their completed bingo cards in January and receive a small prize. **

Print it at home or pick one up at the church – they’ll be on the Kids Craft Carts in the Auditorium as well the Children’s Check in Desk.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Love Mrs. Sheilla

Kids at the Ridge – Program Registration for September 2024 to August 2025

Registration is now OPEN for our Kids programming starting this September 8th!

This registration form is for all children attending our programs in Nursery up to Grade 6.

Please help us plan for our fall classes by completing this form as soon as possible!

This form is required to be filled out each year for each child to make sure we have updated permissions and consent for your child.

Register Now:

Little Lambs Nursery – ages 6 months up to age 2
SONSeekers Preschool – Age 3 and 4
SONSeekers Elementary – Kindergarten to Grade 4
The Wave – Grade 5 and 6

Merry Christmas to all our Kids at the Ridge Families!

Merry Christmas to all our Kids at the Ridge Families!

Luke 2:10-11 – “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

We pray that this Christmas will be a meaningful time of reflection, renewal, and incredible joy for your family as you celebrate the birth of our Savior.

One of the best parts of Christmas for me and my family is to create lasting memories together.  We love looking back at pictures over the years to see how the kids have grown and changed and remembering those special times together.   I wanted to find a way to help our WRBC families to create some memories this year over the Christmas break, so to help you do that, I’ve created a Kids Christmas Bingo!  This game is filled with activity ideas and service ideas and I hope it brings fun and laughter to your home but most especially warm memories too!

You can work on it as a family or have each child work on their own.  Every time you complete a row, find a way to celebrate as a family and choose to do something special (there are no rules, just have fun!). If kids bring in their completed bingo cards on January 8th , they can pick a prize out of our prize bin too.

Print it at home or pick one up at the church – they’ll be on the Kids Craft Carts in the Auditorium as well as a few on the Children’s Check in Desk.


Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas to all our Kids at the Ridge Families!

Merry Christmas to all our Kids at the Ridge Families!

Luke 2:10-11 – “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

We pray that this Christmas will be a meaningful time of reflection, renewal, and incredible joy for your family as you celebrate the birth of our Savior.

One of the best parts of Christmas for me and my family is to create lasting memories together.  We love looking back at pictures over the years to see how the kids have grown and changed and remembering those special times together.   I wanted to find a way to help our WRBC families to create some memories this year over the Christmas break, so to help you do that, I’ve created a Christmas Bingo Game!  This game is filled with activity ideas and service ideas and I hope it brings fun and laughter to your home but most especially warm memories too!

You can work on it as a family or have each child work on their own.  Every time you complete a row, find a way to celebrate as a family and choose to do something special (there are no rules, just have fun!). If kids bring in their completed bingo cards on January 8th , they can pick a prize out of our prize bin too.


Print it at home or pick one up at the church – they’ll be on the Kids Craft Carts in the Auditorium as well as a few on the Children’s Check in Desk.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Faith at Home – Aug 28 22

Hey Kids (and Parents too!),

This week, join Jackson and Sheilla as they give you some fun ideas to develop a faith at home with your family! We know our families are busier than ever and we want to support you and we are praying for you as you build a solid faith at home with your kids!

This is our last Kids Ministry Minute for the summer. We are taking a break next week to gear up for our Kids Kick off Sunday on September 11th! We can’t wait to see your kids again and catch up with them. Don’t forget to bring in your Kids Sermon Notes Pages to show Mrs. Sheilla so you can enter our draw!

This Week’s Kids Ministry Minute:

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Courage – August 21, 2022

Hey Kids!

Join Mrs. Sheilla, Jackson and Luke as we hear more about Esther’s courage and how we can each make an impact for God’s kingdom.

P.S – Kids – don’t forget to join us in person on Wednesday mornings this August for our Kids Summer Camp Days! Join us as we “Focus” in and learn more about Faith and trusting what you can’t see by what you can see. Just 2 weeks left!

P.P.S – Kids Kick-off Sunday is September 11th – make sure to bring in all your Sermon Notes Pages to show Mrs. Sheilla. We’ll do our prize draws during Large Group time! (The Wave kids will get their prizes during their class time also).

Check out this week’s Kid’s Ministry Minute:

Right Now Media Online Church Resource Centre

This online service contains hundreds of family-friendly videos, as well as a large collection of Bible Studies and resources, as part of our growing Online Church Resource Centre. Consider it the Netflix of Christian videos and resources!  

Click here to request your FREE membership today!

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Focus – Aug 14 22

Hey Kids!

Join us this week as Jaimie leads us to understand our new assignment. How can changing our focus help us overcome an obstacle or difficult task? You don’t want to miss this!

PS – Don’t forget to fill out your kids sermon notes page!

Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute!

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Set Apart – August 7, 2022

Hey Kids,

Tune into this weeks Ministry Minute with Mrs. Jacoba! Will the next assignment find her mailbox this week? Let’s find out!

Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute:

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Mustard Seed Faith – July 31, 2022

Hey Kids,

Join us this week as we discover a new assignment! This one takes us back to last summer for a fun experiment to teach us a lesson. I hope your summer is going well! Don’t forget to hold onto your Sermon Notes pages and bring them in for our Fall Kick off Sunday!

Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute:

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Whom do you Serve? – July 24, 2022

Hey Kids!

Join us as we discover our new assignment. This is a special one – we get to hear from some of you!

PS – are you filling out your Sermon Notes pages? Watch our Kids Ministry Minute Summer Intro video from July 3rd for the details!


Watch this Week’s Kids Ministry Minute:

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Faith in Action – July 17, 2022

Hey Kids!

Join us as we learn more about our next assignment!

*Don’t forget to fill out our Kids Sermon Notes Page and bring them in at the end of the summer for a chance for a prize!*


Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Who’s In Charge? – July 10, 2022

Hey kids,

Join Mrs. Sheilla and Pastor Rudy as they work out the answer to their next assignment!

**Don’t forget to fill out your Kids Sermon Notes page as you listen and bring in all your completed pages to Mrs. Sheilla at the end of the summer for a chance to earn a prize!**


Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute!

Kids at the Ridge Ministry Minute – Summer Intro – July 3, 2022

Hey Kids!
Here is our very first episode of our Kids Ministry Minute for 2022! Watch this video to see what we’re up to this summer and we hope you’ll follow along with us as we go on God’s Assignment.
*Sermon Note booklets are available now to pick up at the kids check-in counter*
Happy summer everyone!

SONSeekers Missions Update

Hi Parents,

Well, it’s already March and we have been feeling a few “warmer” days lately. At the end of February, our kids had a special Missions class where we talked about different kinds of Missionaries and different ways people can be a missionary. We also talked about how we can share God’s love with others around us and that we can be on a mission for Him no matter where we are! Part of our activity was to pray for one of our WRBC Missionary Families, and we also wrote them a letter and made a big card for them showing how much we love them, appreciate them and are praying for them.

So I wanted to share this sweet card with our parents and families as they did such a great job. We mailed it last week, so we are praying it arrives safely!

We talked to the kids about how we can share the love of Jesus with those around us, but also how can we share the Good NEWS with them. So I’ve included a part of our activity below that you can try out as a family.

Family Activity Idea – Practice being a Missionary:

Take a look at some of the steps below that a missionary might use to tell someone about Jesus. Discuss with your kids ideas of how they might tell someone about Jesus, using any of these steps. Then, pray together and try acting on one or more of the steps below as a family.

– Make friends
– Eat a meal together
– Explore the city
– Invite friends to your home
– Give them a Bible
– Talk about Jesus
– Pray for them
– Invite them to church
– Enjoy their company
– Tell them how to become a Christian

I pray this activity brings meaningful conversations around the table with your kids!

Blessings on your week ahead.

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

Unit 20 Session 2 – Jesus’ Temptation – January 29, 2022

Hey Kids,

Today we will talk about temptation. Jesus was tempted, but He trusted God and never sinned. Because of this, he was the perfect sacrifice that was required to free us all from our sin and to give us the power to say no to temptation.

Don’t forget to follow along with the activity at the end. We are making “Remembrance Rocks” to remind us to pray when we feel tempted.

See you in person AND online next week! Activity Packs will be sent home with the kids on Sunday for the entire month of February.

God bless,

Mrs. Sheilla

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Unit 20 Session 1 – Jesus was Baptized – January 23, 2021

Hey Kids,

Join us as we hear the story of when Jesus was baptized! Jesus led a perfect life and never sinned, but He was still baptized. Let’s find out why!

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

I hope you are keeping warm and enjoying all this snow! Hope you have a great week.
Love, Mrs. Sheilla

Unit 19 Session 5 – Jesus as Child – January 16, 2021

Hey Kids!

Join us this week as Miss Jane introduces our Bible story about Jesus as a child… What do you think Jesus was like as a child?

Last week, we learned that when Jesus was a baby, Mary and Joseph took Him to the temple to be dedicated. At the temple, Simeon and Anna worshiped Jesus as the Messiah. So what happened between the time Jesus was dedicated and the time He was a grown man?

Listen to today’s Bible story, it’s called: “Jesus as a Child.”

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

Have a great week everyone!

Love, Mrs. Sheilla

Unit 19 Session 4 – Jesus was Dedicated – January 9, 2021

Hey Kids,

We are back online again this week while our in-person gathering is closed. We are so glad you’ve joined us! We have new Kids Activity Packs for the month of January that are ready for pick up! These Activity Packs go along with our online lessons – make sure you watch til the end of the video to get your Activity Instructions!

Please sign up here!

This week we are continuing the story of Jesus after he was born. While he was still a baby, Mary and Joseph took him to the temple to be dedicated. Let’s hear more!

This Week’s Preschool Lesson!

This Week’s Lesson for Elementary!

We hope to see you all in person again soon, but we hope you are able to follow along with us over the next while online! We are praying for each of you that you are staying safe and healthy!

God Bless,
Mrs. Sheilla

Kids at the Ridge Presents: Just a Little Christmas

Join us for ‘Just a Little Christmas’…featuring Kids at the Ridge!
Merry Christmas!

Kids at the Ridge – Ministry Minute – Aug 29, 2021

In case you missed it…here is the Ministry Minute from August 29!

Kids at the Ridge – Ministry Minute – Aug 22, 2021

This Week’s Kids Ministry Minute!

Kids at the Ridge – Ministry Minute – Aug 15, 2021

This Week’s Kids Ministry Minute!

Kids at the Ridge – Ministry Minute – Aug 8, 2021

In case you missed it…here is the Kids Ministry Minute from August 8, 2021.  Check it out!

Kids at the Ridge – Ministry Minute – Aug 1, 2021

Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute!

Kids at the Ridge – Ministry Minute – July 25, 2021

Check out this week’s Kids Ministry Minute!

Kids at the Ridge – Ministry Minute – July 18, 2021

Check out this week’s Ministry Minute!

Kids at the Ridge – Ministry Minute – July 11, 2021

Check out this week’s Ministry Minute!