Billeting for Garden Hill Volunteers Required for July

One couple and two adult women are arriving Thursday, June 30 and will be flying north to Berens River on July 2. They would require pick-up at Winnipeg airport on Thursday and accommodation for Thursday and Friday night plus drop-off at St. Andrews airport Saturday, July 2 (they will entertain themselves on the Friday). They are also in need of accommodation on Saturday, July 9 and a return to Winnipeg airport on Sunday, July 10.

Another (unmarried) couple arrive on Friday, July 1 and would need pick-up at Winnipeg airport and drop-off at St. Andrews the next morning. They are serving with us for two weeks, and would require accommodation on Saturday, July 16, with a drop-off at Winnipeg airport on Sunday, July 17.  If interested in serving together with Pathway Camp Ministries in this way, please contact