A Prayer Letter from Katy

Dear Church Family,

I am currently in a campaign to increase my ministry support to 100%, so that I am fully funded as the Ministry Director of Turning Point Counselling. You may have received a letter from my supervisor, Ashley Klassen, to announce the beginning of my campaign.

I am writing this letter to ask if you will please pray for me as I enter this next phase of my journey. It is my understanding that many ministry staff must campaign at various times throughout their career. As such, I want to start this journey on a foundation of prayer, and seeking the Lord for His heart, so I ask you to join me with the following prayer requests:
— Please pray that God would continue to give me wisdom to lead the Turning Point Counselling Ministry well, and the grace to balance all the different “hats” I wear: Supervisor, Counsellor, Administrator, Fundraiser, etc.!
— That God would call professionally trained and ministry-minded counsellors to join our team.
— For the clients that come through our doors—that God would enable and equip our counsellors to meet them where they are at, to journey with them, and to exemplify the hope and healing that comes from Jesus Christ.

If you have not received a magnet from me yet, please update your contact info here: here so I can send you one in the mail! I would ask you to please hang it on your fridge to help you remember me in prayer. I would also ask that you join my ministry Facebook group by clicking on this link:

If you would like to join my inner-circle prayer team in order to receive more detailed, personal, and regular ministry requests, please contact me. You can reach me by email here or by calling 204-227-5701. Also, any questions or messages of encouragement from you would be greatly appreciated!

Sincerely in Christ,

Katy Mesics
Ministry Director of Turning Point Counselling | Youth for Christ Winnipeg

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