Watoto Children’s Choir – Thursday, March 10, 7:00 p.m.

Watoto Children’s Choir will visit WRBC on Thursday, March 10; 7:00p.m.

Watoto Children’s Choirs have travelled internationally since 1994 as advocates for the estimated 50 million children in Africa, orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS, war, poverty and disease.  Accompanied by a team of adults, the choir presents Watoto’s vision and mission through their stories, music and dance. Watoto choirs act as ambassadors to raise awareness about the plight of the orphaned and vulnerable children of Africa.

A free will offering will be taken.

Host homes are needed to provide sleeping accommodations, breakfast and a bag lunch for a chaperone and two or three children; two host homes are needed for the two team leaders and the bus driver. The children are able to share a bed or sleep with bedding on the floor if necessary.

Volunteers are  needed for  load in before the concert and load out afterwards, as well as for the merchandise table. Contact our office for more information if you are able to volunteer, or if you would be able to be a host.