4HG Youth Update

Hey Students and Parents,

Two main point in this email to keep an eye on; Christmas, and the Senior Youth Retreat.

Before those two points I want to make sure you know what the plan is for this week! On Friday (Nov. 26th) we will be meeting at 7pm for our 4HG time. We will be finishing off the topic of Sanctity of Life for now and close up some questions you might have on this before we move on.

On the 17th of December we will be holding our Christmas Party here at the Church. We’ll build some ginger bread houses, sing some Christmas songs, play some games and share the Christmas Story.

The SENIOR RETREAT!!! It was supposed to happen at the beginning of December, but due to some shifts in restrictions and business of the Christmas season it will be postponed until the Weekend of January 14-16. It will only be available to Students (Grades 9-12) and Leaders who have been vaccinated (due to regulations), we will be in cohorts that will have limited interactions with one another, and it might look very different from previous camp experiences you have had. It is super important for us to find a moment of rest. Away from the internet, the phone, the busyness of life. To that end, we will do our best to keep people safe and in community. Registration information will be coming next week, please keep your eyes and ears open for that.