4HG Youth April 15th-22th

Hey All!

Hope you’re all sitting warm and cozy because although it might not be the storm of the century out there… it is a bit crazy.

We are coming on Easter Weekend this week. Tomorrow is Good Friday. Remembering the story of Jesus going to his death for our sake. I hope you all take time to dig into what that means for you.

We will NOT have Youth tomorrow, but there will be a church service online in the morning (https://www.facebook.com/WhyteRidgeBaptist/live)

We will be back next Friday (April 22nd) and there is a real possibility of actually doing something outside. I will let you know what the plan is next week.

Upcoming Events:
Mission Fest Manitoba! April 29th, no youth at the Church, we will be meeting at 6:45pm @ “Church of the Rock 1397 Buffalo Place Winnipeg”

Senior Retreat: May 20th-22nd Deadline for registration is May 1st. (https://whyteridgebaptist-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/rudy_whyteridgebaptist_ca/EUQIxSsxYztIqd2aO1RFjqQBRRWa5Ria8p9V71REkv80iQ?e=YixSS8)