4HG Updated Schedule for the Summer!

Hey People!
For the Summer we are doing things slightly different, so here is what you’ll need to know. This is an updated list so please pay close attention to when your Group will be meeting. As your group’s night comes closer, there will be more information for you to dig into.

July 8th – Junior Girls Night (Meeting at Erika Cooper’s House at 7pm 340 Duffield
July 16th – Senior Girls Night (Meeting at the Church at 7pm on SATURDAY)
July 23rd – Junior Boys Night (Meeting at the Church at 7pm of SATURDAY)
July 29th – Senior Boys Night
August 5th – WATERFIGHT (For everyone!)
August 12th – No Youth
August 19th – Junior Youth Canoeing
August 26th – Senior Youth Canoeing
September 2nd – Youth Movie Night
September 7th – Youth Kickoff the New Year!

If you are bored and would like to do more hanging out throughout the week in the summer, please send me a message  because I’d like to make the church property available for games and s’mores on Wednesday nights occasionally throughout the summer. If that sounds like something you’d be into, let’s make it happen! The First one of those nights will happen on July 13th!!! Hope you can make it!