4HG – May 20 (No Youth)

Hey All!

I know that this headline is super disappointing. No youth! Tragedy. It’s for good reason though!
This coming Friday, our registered Senior High Youth (please contact me if you have a question regarding this) are heading to Camp Nutimik for the weekend. Information will be below.
Youth will resume on May 27th as normal. Hope to see you then!

Youth Retreat Information you’ll need to know:

Bus arrives at WRBC at 5:15pm on Friday (May 20th) to pick us up leaving for Camp Nutimik, EAT BEFORE YOU GET THERE. We won’t have supper at Camp when we get there that night.

Bus will return to WRBC at 3:30pm on Sunday, for you to be picked up by your Parents. We will make sure Parents get a phone call from their child once we are within 30 minutes of arriving back at the church.

There will be an update email once we get to camp for you parents to feel safe in knowing that we will have arrived, and an update once we leave camp as well.

If you have any more questions, comments, concerns, please contact me today or tomorrow and I will do my best to help with those.