4HG June 17

To Whom it may Concern,

You are sincerely invited to our 4HG Movie Award Show and Ceremony. Friday, the 17th of June, we will be hosting the legendary actors and actresses of WRBC 4HG! Please plan to arrive by 7pm, the dress code is Fancypants!

We are closing out the school year tomorrow with some fun movies you created, will eat pizza, hang out in small groups, talk about bringing Jesus with us into our summers and how we can stay connected. You’ll get a schedule for the summer that will have all the information on it so you’re never behind.

Next week there won’t be Youth, as your Leaders will take an evening to talk about the year and what the plans for the new year will be. So come tomorrow, bring your friends, and tell your parents to pick you up late ;) Hope to see you all tomorrow!