4HG Hot Coals

Hey You lovely people!

We are coming close to Christmas and the end of the year, so here is what you need to know!

Tomorrow (Dec. 10th) we are meeting at 7pm at the Church for a time of Worship, games, a lesson, and some time spent together resting in God’s presence. Our topic tomorrow will start a bit of a longer series on the conversation about our identity. Who are we? I hope to see ya’ll tomorrow!

Next week (Dec. 17th) is our Christmas Party, where we will listen to the Christmas story, build some Gingerbread houses, and celebrate Christ’s coming as a group!

We will take a break over Christmas and New Years, so after the 17th, we won’t meet until the 7th of January! Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.

For the Seniors, our retreat will be happening on January 14th-to 16th! We will head out to Nutimik for a few days to find rest and joy in spending time together. I will be sending out Registrations next week with all the information for that!

I know this was a lot of information, if you’re still reading, thank you! I hope you’re all finding some moments to breathe, and take in the beauty of winter. God’s blessing cover all of you!