4HG Hot Coals

Hey Students and Parents!

We are getting into some of the heavier topics over the next few weeks, starting this week (Fri Nov. 5th) with the ‘Sanctity of Life’. We will be talking about the topics of Abortion, Euthanasia, and Capital Punishment over the next 3-4 weeks. I’m hoping to make it informative and not traumatizing, but if you have concerns or questions with regards to these topics please contact me. We will still have our games, snack, worship, and small-group as usual, so i hope to see ya’ll there!

In line with these topics I understand there are some, especially within our Senior Youth who have been dealing with some hard things in their life over the last while, I have been planning at Retreat for our Senior youth at Camp Nutimik at the beginning of December. It would go from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon and would feature, food, games, teaching, and community (as covid restrictions allow). I understand that not every parent would be comfortable to send their kids to this, but I want to make sure you understand that we will hold to all the requirements the Camp would ask of us, and while there would definitely be ridiculousness and fun, the main goal would be to give our Senior Students a few days of Rest (without tv, phone, school stress) and be in the presence of God.

Please feel free to share some feedback on this with me, whether you agree or disagree, I would love to hear from you!