365 Police Prayer Watch

24:7 Prayer Watch

In 2014 churches all across Winnipeg will be joining together in a 365 Police Prayer Watch for the City of Winnipeg Police. While we are only asking for commitments to a specific day or days, this prayer watch will be 24/7/365 – 24 hours each day, 7 days each week, and 365 days in the year.

When Winnipeg’s Chief Clunis took the oath of office on November 2, 2012, he stated:

If we each do our part, we can eradicate the conditions conducive to the growth of crime in our city. I am asking every citizen to examine their role in helping the police reduce crime and create a safer Winnipeg. We are at a critical time in our city’s history. If we do not act cooperatively in addressing the social conditions at the root of crime, we may miss the opportunity to create a brighter future and be a difference maker. (Source: City of Winnipeg)

Chief Clunis’ statement that we, as the people of Winnipeg, need to “act cooperatively” to address our city’s crime problems, includes local churches. This is evidenced by statements he made in an interview with ChristianWeek. In that interview he said:

Devon Clunis“I’m a little tired of us…being ‘[the] murder capital of Canada,’” says Devon Clunis, who was appointed chief of police at the beginning of October. “People consistently say, ‘How are you going to solve that?’ It’s not simply going to be because we’re going to go out there and police it away. I truly believe that prayer will be a significant piece of that.” “What would happen if we all just truly—I’m talking about all religious stripes here—started praying for the peace of this city and then actually started putting some action behind that?” he adds. “I believe something phenomenal is going to happen in our city. I truly believe it’s coming. I don’t think I’ve arrived at this position just by chance.” (ChristianWeek, Oct. 11, 2012)

Winnipeg Police BadgeThe 365 Police Prayer Watch is a direct response to Chief Clunis’ call to prayer. Whyte Ridge Baptist has committed to praying for the week of January 27 – February 2. To fulfill our commitment to pray for the 168 hours in the week, we will need many in our church family to personally commit to praying for at least one hour during our week. We are asking Whyte Ridge Baptist people to indicate when they are willing to pray. This can be done by signing up at the Prayer Station in our church foyer on Sunday mornings or by going to the 365 Police Prayer Watch Signup page on this website. You can also see the hours still available to be covered during our week.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers,intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1-4