WRBC Financial Support for Christian Camp Workers

Our purpose as a church is to Nurture Followers of Jesus Christ through Healthy Relationships. The ministry that occurs at Christian camps each year is invaluable to living out that purpose with our children and youth. Serving as staff, many adults in our church family mature through their service at camp as well.

With that in mind, as a church family we want to encourage people to consider investing themselves in others by taking a portion of their summer to serve with a Christian Camp by offering a Camp Support Scholarship (see requirements and application link below).

Of course, our first encouragement is for people to join the summer staff at Camp Nutimik which is one of our Manitoba Baptist Association camps (the other being Wellman Lake Bible Camp). If this is of interest to you information about becoming a summer staff member can be found at http://www.campnutimik.com/get_involved.html .

If you’d like to talk with someone to discuss your plans in regards to being a summer camp staff, please feel free to call our church office (489-3875) or approach any of our WRBC staff.


WRBC Summer Camp Scholarship Funding Requirements:

1) Must be a member/regular attendant at WRBC.

2) Camp must be a Christian Camp and applicant must be volunteer / shared work program.  (Under shared work program monies goes directly to the camp and not individuals)

3) Each applicant will receive $100 per week to a max of $600 for summer camp ministry.

4) There will be a written/verbal report expected from each applicant upon completion of their camp/college courses.

If you fulfill these requirements, please fill in the attached or online application, and submit it to our church office by Tuesday, May 31st.

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