2014 Thank Offering

Thank Offeringby Pastor Kevin Klassen

Annual Thank Offering

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise! Give thanks and bless His name for the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations” – Psalm 100:4-5

As has been our custom over the last number of years, we will be taking a special Thank offering during our Thanksgiving Sunday worship services. Half of what is collected in this offering will be allocated to the India Mission Trip Fund. The other half will go to the Capital Fund.

2014 Goal

The goal for Whyte Ridge Baptist’s Thank Offering is $10,000.

India Mission Trip

The Mission Trip fund exists to support numerous mission initiatives from our church. A significant use of this fund in 2014 will be to support the approaching mission trip to India. The India Team looks forward to teaching and encouraging our brothers and sisters in northeast India in the Lord. They will do this by helping facilitate several conferences and distributing provisions and support to those in need.

Building Capital Fund

The Capital Fund exists to support our building program. Our day-to-day ministry is presently outgrowing our current space. Money given to the Capital Fund will help meet this need for ministry space down the road.

Special Thank Offering Envelopes

On Thanksgiving Sunday, we will be taking this special Thank offering at the same time as our regular offering. Special envelopes for the Thank offering will be provided both this Sunday and on Thanksgiving Sunday. Please use one of these special envelopes for your Thank offering. The ordinary offering envelopes will still be on hand for your regular giving.

The Lord has blessed us so we can serve Him and make Him known. Let us give with grateful hearts in support of the work of His Kingdom!