2013 Christmas Card Campaign

Christmas Card Campaign

Our Gifts of Grace – Mercifully and Humbly We Give 

“Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)

The idea of OUR in “Our Gifts of Grace” is to understand that God gracefully loves us because he desires to do so, not because of anything we have done to earn it. We have been blessed by God’s grace and in turn are being asked to bless others. It’s not just us giving a Christmas card, and in turn a gift to a stranger, but us also receiving through this act because when we give out of obedience to God, we experience the blessing of honouring Him, growing in Him and being part of His Kingdom work.

LBE LogoLiving Bible Explorers

LBE has ministered to thousands of children in Winnipeg’s inner city neighbourhoods where many of the children who attend their programs are being raised in the midst of poverty and brokenness. The desire of LBE is to see each child come to know the hope they can have in their savior, Jesus Christ, and grow in their relationship with Him. Living Bible Explorers website.

$10 – Two Duffel Bags

LBE Cmp GirlsThe children who attend summer camp through LBE are blessed with a personalized duffel bag. Camp provides the leaders at LBE with the opportunity to continue planting seeds and speaking Truth into the lives of the children. This time is important to their growing relationship with God and gets them excited for continued involvement in year round programs. The practicality of these duffel bags allows the children to have something to bring their items to and from camp as well as carry belongings throughout the year. More importantly, this bag provides these children with a sense of pride and dignity that they now have something of their own. Order Form.

$10 – 10 Lunches

Children come to LBE in the midst of poverty and are provided with a safe, healthy environment and an amazing ministry program that speaks into their lives. Your donation will help feed these children that attend LBE’s Saturday Children’s Ministry Program. This program offers gym activities, bible teaching, praise and worship, prayer time and, of course, a nutritional lunch. Order Form.

PCM LogoPathway Camp Ministries

PCM is a Christian ministry providing faith-based curriculum and programs to youth in Manitoba’s aboriginal communities. They are committed to furthering the Kingdom of God by taking camp to “where they’re at.” PCM offers Summer Day Camps, Saturday Sports Days, Gym Nights, lunch time Bible Clubs, Youth Groups, and special events. Pathway Camp Ministries website.

$25 – Sponsor Youth to Attend Youth Quake at Briercrest

Pathway Camp Kids

Youth Quake has brought the Gospel to thousands of young people throughout the years; during the retreat, youth are challenged to become dedicated, authentic followers of Jesus Christ. PCM is committed to walking alongside aboriginal youth, fostering God honouring relationships and building these children up to become disciples amongst their peers and be a part of a strong network of support. These youth come from areas of isolation and so an important key in their discipleship movement is having them understand they are part of a greater community of Christians, both aboriginal and otherwise. Sponsoring someone to attend Youth Quake will help make this a reality. Order Form.

Far Corners LogoFar Corners Ministry

Far Corners Pastor's TrainingFCM supports the growing church in Northeast India by training pastors and lay leaders, helping the poor and building churches. Far Corners Ministry website.

$10 – Blankets and Mosquito Netting

Blessing a family with a blanket not only offers protection from the cold, but can prevent sickness and provide comfort and security in a life that has so little. Order Form.

$25 – Sponsor a Pastor to attend Pastoral Training

Pastoral Training by FCM has met a critical need in a part of India where the church is experiencing tremendous growth, growth that needs to be appropriately rooted and grounded. Order Form.

$200 – Sponsor a Pastor’s Child’s Education for One Year.

Pastor's Children EducationWhen a father in India answers the call to become a pastor, he has also committed his family to a life of poverty. Pastors in India make very little money, and are often ostracized from their communities, with little hope for a second income and the ability to pay for their children’s education. Providing an education to a Pastor’s child allows dreams to come true. Your gift will allow a child to realize their full potential. Order Form.